Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 3, 2009

Luckily there was only one class today. Since I slept very late yesterday, I woke-up very late, around 11:00AM. Then I started copying the assignment... Since I had a class from 1:45PM, I packed the work and went to the college for the class, and start making assignment after the class. And I finished the copying at 8:30PM, and professor already left the university building. I slipped-in the assignment bellow his office door and return to 17th floor to take some printout of paper which I need to read as soon as possible. I returned home abound 10:00PM and luckily got the dinner for me. Surely if I could have late by 5 minute more, I would not have got anything to eat! After dinner, I did some other work and slept.

March 2, 2009

Hummm ... Again the classes started, today with 2 lectures. Also, I had to finish Computer Arithmetic assignment today as its deadline is tomorrow. After the lecture I return back to home because I was feeling sleepy in the class. The reason I was feeling sleepy because I slept very late last night which disturbed my entire biological activities. I woke-up around 8:00PM and then started the assignment, took the dinner and then assignment till 5:00AM. Till now we have finished only the assignment problems in rough pages, I still have to spend around 5 hour to put it into a fare paper for the submission, which I will do tomorrow.

March 1, 2009

The new month starts with Sunday but not with holiday! 2 assignment deadlines were on the top of my head, one on 3rd and other on 4th. I spend most of my day to read Computer Arithmetic and I finished it on time, i.e. before starting the cooking. Humm ... today was my turn to cook, and I planned to cook Daal with rice today. After study, I started cooking dinner and targeted to cook for more then 10 people. Unfortunately we didn't have any cooking item, like onion and rice, so I borrowed some of them from Akansh! After cooking, we did some talk and then day was over!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 28, 2009

Finally I have successfully reached to the end of February! This is my second continuous month for keep writing the blog very regularly. I am feeling very-very happy to continue it, although there were some week nods, like missing few days in between but doing make-up in the coming days make it finally a  success story, and I promises to continue it for longer time. This is not just blog or email, this is much more then that. Here I am trying to capture myself, my day, my feeling, my thoughts and my own life in my words. The interesting part of this blog is a business deal which I am having with it. If I am giving a part of my life to it then I am also getting back a lot in my life, and the list starts with the writing skill, platform to express myself and the most important is to get a channel to say something to her which can not be said on the email or chat so easily, i.e. I love her the most. And this blog is to let her up-to-date about my daily life, what I am doing, what I am missing, how I am dealing with it, and how important any usual day use to be for me.

Her is something very special: Koi Tumasa Nahee, Koi Tumasa Nahee...

Apart form completing my continuous 2 month for daily blog and keeping it up to date, I did a lot more today. I did practice for Garba and Dandia, and planed to participate in the group dance with 2 more buys and 3 girls on some of the song on Holi! I am doing what ever I really missed in my graduation life (except making love with someone!). Also, I helped my cousins to download and make account on Skype, and did video chat. Interestingly they did not had either web-cam or microphone, so I was just speaking and doing act and they were reacting on it by typing! That's it, I did nothing more then that.